The Pegasus XL launch vehicle is ready for a re-mate with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) spacecraft. The March 26 launch was delayed to enable protective covers to be added to the Optical Wheel Assembly (OWA) on GALEX to avoid the possibility of a missing electrical cable fastener floating into and jamming the mechanism when GALEX is in orbit. Launch of GALEX is now scheduled for no earlier than April 26.
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Kennedy Space Center
The Pegasus XL launch vehicle is ready for a re-mate with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) spacecraft. The March 26 launch was delayed to enable protective covers to be added to the Optical Wheel Assembly (OWA) on GALEX to avoid the possibility of a missing electrical cable fastener floating into and jamming the mechanism when GALEX is in orbit. Launch of GALEX is now scheduled for no earlier than April 26.