Space Shuttle Technical Conference
Space Shuttle Technical Conference
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
June 28-30, 1983
This publication is a compilation of the papers prepared for the Space Shuttle Technical Conference held at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, June 28-30, 1983. The purpose of this conference was to provide an archival publication for the retrospective presentation and documentation of the key scientific and engineering achievements of the Space Shuttle Program following the attainment of full operational status by the National Space Transportation System.
To provide technical disciplinary focus, the conference was organized around 10 technical topic areas: (i) Integrated Avionics, (2) Guidance, Navigation, and Control, (3) Aerodynamics, (4) Structures, (5) Life Support, Environmental Control, and Crew Station, (6) Ground Operations, (7) Propulsion and Power, (8) Communications and Tracking, (9) Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems, and (10) Thermal and Contamination Environments and Protection Systems.
The papers in each technical topic which were presented over the 3-day conference period provide a historical overview of the key technical problems and challenges which were met and overcome during the development phase of the Space Shuttle Program. Taken as a whole, these papers provide a valuable archival reference to the magnitude and scope of this major national achievement