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The Huntsville Simulation Laboratory (HSL) provides a simulation facility to test and verify the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) avionics and software system using a maximum complement of flight type hardware. The HSL will permit evaluations and analyses of the SSME avionics hardware, software, control system, and mathematical models. It is a unique facility in its authenticity as well as in the complexity and scope of simulation. The laboratory has performed a wide spectrum of tests and verified operational procedures to ensure system component compatibility under all operating conditions. It is a test bed for integration of hardware/software/hydraulics. The HSL is and has been an invaluable tool in the design and development of the SSME
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H. G. Vick/P. W. Hampton NASA Marshall Space Flight Center/Rocketdyne
The Huntsville Simulation Laboratory (HSL) provides a simulation facility to test and verify the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) avionics and software system using a maximum complement of flight type hardware. The HSL will permit evaluations and analyses of the SSME avionics hardware, software, control system, and mathematical models. It is a unique facility in its authenticity as well as in the complexity and scope of simulation. The laboratory has performed a wide spectrum of tests and verified operational procedures to ensure system component compatibility under all operating conditions. It is a test bed for integration of hardware/software/hydraulics. The HSL is and has been an invaluable tool in the design and development of the SSME
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