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The challenge in designing the Orbiter displays and controls (D&C) system was to integrate the required aircraft and spacecraft D&C in the space available within the pilot's reach and vision. Some of the basic requirements for the D&C system were as follows: 1. A safe return with a single crewman from either forward crew station; 2. Normal operation (exclusive of payload management) of all mission phases using a fllghtcrew of two; 3. Accessibility to the flightcrew from the flight seats of D&C required for vehicle or subsystem management during ascent and entry; 4. D&C to provide for crew override of automated critical command functions; 5. Crew selection of automatic or manual flight guidance and control; 6. The means to annunciate and command safing of hazardous systems; 7. Interior and exterior illumination consistent in type and quality for crew operations
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Richard D. Burghduff and James L. Lewis, Jr. NASA Johnson Space Center
The challenge in designing the Orbiter displays and controls (D&C) system was to integrate the required aircraft and spacecraft D&C in the space available within the pilot's reach and vision. Some of the basic requirements for the D&C system were as follows: 1. A safe return with a single crewman from either forward crew station; 2. Normal operation (exclusive of payload management) of all mission phases using a fllghtcrew of two; 3. Accessibility to the flightcrew from the flight seats of D&C required for vehicle or subsystem management during ascent and entry; 4. D&C to provide for crew override of automated critical command functions; 5. Crew selection of automatic or manual flight guidance and control; 6. The means to annunciate and command safing of hazardous systems; 7. Interior and exterior illumination consistent in type and quality for crew operations
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