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The challenge of providing redundancy management (RM) and fault tolerance to meet the Shuttle Program requirements of fail operational/fail safe for the avionics systems was complicated by the critical program constraints of weight, cost, and schedule, This paper addresses the basic and sometimes false affectivity of less than pure RM designs. Evolution of the multiple input selection filter (the heart of the RM function) is discussed with emphasis on the subtle interactions of the flight control system that were found to be potentially catastrophic. Several other general RM development problems are discussed, with particular emphasis on the inertial measurement unit RM, indicative of the complexity of managing that three-string system and its critical interfaces with the guidance and control systems
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Jack C. Boykin and Joseph R. Thibodeau, NASA Johnson Space Center Henry E. Schneider, McDonnell-Douglas Technical Services Company
The challenge of providing redundancy management (RM) and fault tolerance to meet the Shuttle Program requirements of fail operational/fail safe for the avionics systems was complicated by the critical program constraints of weight, cost, and schedule, This paper addresses the basic and sometimes false affectivity of less than pure RM designs. Evolution of the multiple input selection filter (the heart of the RM function) is discussed with emphasis on the subtle interactions of the flight control system that were found to be potentially catastrophic. Several other general RM development problems are discussed, with particular emphasis on the inertial measurement unit RM, indicative of the complexity of managing that three-string system and its critical interfaces with the guidance and control systems
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